October 18, 2010


Posted in Uncategorized at 3:01 pm by DivineShantiYoga

Dearest friends,
My heart and soul are trembling with an immense sense of gratitude that I feel nobody in the universe could comprehend. Your love and support are holding me in the light and I wish to respond to each of you individually. With nearly 300 emails in my inbox, it will take me some time to read them all. Please know that while I do, I am warmly receiving your personal energy and that you are touching my heart so deeply.

I am learning over these weeks of being in the hospital that once again, the Universe is hitting me so huge with this message so that I will be able to use my experience to help other people. I am surrendering to this and experience and listening for further direction.

This challenge, fighting cancer has such force behind it, but I am filled with strength that you share through your messages, support, healing energies and love. This is Yoga in it’s truest sense. Although my body cannot practice asana, my practice is deepening each and every hour through this experience. For that, I thank you. I honor you, and you are helping more than you may know.

Love, love, love,
