April 8, 2014

Wise Words From The Buddha, in Anguttara-Nikaya

Posted in Uncategorized at 4:02 pm by DivineShantiYoga

“Abandon what is unwholesome, oh monks!

One can abandon what is unwholesome, oh monks!

If it were not possible, I would not ask you to do so.

If this abandoning of the unwholesome would bring harm and suffering,

I would not ask you to abandon it.

But as the abandoning of the unwholesome brings benefit and happiness,

Therefore I say ‘Abandon what is unwholesome!’

Cultivate what is wholesome, oh monks.

One can cultivate the wholesome.

If it were not feasible, I would not ask you to do it.

If this cultivation of the wholesome would bring harm and suffering,

I would not ask you to cultivate it.

But as the cultivation of the wholesome brings benefit and happiness,

Therefore, I say, ‘Cultivate what is wholesome!'”

-The Buddha
